Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Now that the Duck!!! show is up (thank you so much to everyone that came out to see our art! It was an amazing turnout!!) I can turn back to the things I was working on. I still have the fire brothers piece to complete, but that is I would say, about half done. There are some other things I am working on as well, but I am going to take it one thing at a time for now.

Here are a few quick drawings from lunch today. I was sitting and drawing near a lagoon where people walk and jog on their lunch breaks, and they move by very quickly. I decided to just try and draw characters based on the enhanced memories of these passing people even though to look at them you would never know they were the basis for these sketches.


Andy Balmet said...

Bro. You have PLENTY of people to draw from Outside Lands who should be BURNED into your memory. Two come to mind. A man wearing all white, and a chick with marijuana pasties on her nipples. Good times sitting under that tree... good times. Hey! Open your hand!

jehan said...

hahaha jp you know the dress code at barefoot isn't to come barefoot, it's to come in the raw.

Martin Kau said...

HA the lady in the back looks like an evil bunny carter

Jesse Lee said...

your sketches are so sweet man.

i love the guy in the middle...is he angry, scared, suprised? I think all three.

jehan said...

hhaha i was just about to blog the same thing to you. when are you free in the days to come?? chrystal and i may be free this coming weekend if you could meet in the city. a little alla prima. a little magical gathering. haha. if not, lemme know a day you're free.

one of these days though.. perhaps at some crazy reunion or party. me, you, rebbaz, maybe even steven g. we gotta throw down.

or hey, there is a prerelease of the new set, which i must say looks quite snazzy.. im not sure when, but soon one of these weekeneds, most likely at the sj convention center.. we could throw down there =P